Flexible and versatile
Alustar flexible aluminium scaffold has since 1995 been used by customers on the following large projects

Offshore constructions
- Phillips petroleum: Ekofisk 2/4j Hook-up
- Norsk Hydro: Heimdal
- Kværner Olje & Gass AS: Visund
- StatoilHydro: Siri
Drilling Rigs/FPSOs
- ransocean
- Maersk Contractors
- Maersk opererte
- Jotun
- Balder
- Varg
- Dolphin
- Brent C
- Schiallion
Offshore Maintenance and Modifications
- Phillips: Ekofisk
- StatoilHydro: Sleipner, Troll, Kvitebjørn
- Esso: Baldner, Jotun A og Jotun B, Ringhorn
- StatoilHydro: Oseberg Æst, Visund, Heimdal
- Mærsk Oil & Gas AS: Tyra, Dan, Gorm, Halfdan
- Dong: Siri
- Armarada Hess: Syd Arne
- Total: Frigg feltet
Landbased projects
- StatoilHydro: Mongstad raffineriet, Kolsnes, Tjeldebergodden prosessanlegg
- StatoilHydro: Ormenlange – Aukra, Rafnes
- Sandvollyball
- Kulturbyen Stavanger 2008
- Aker Verdal
- Aker Stord
- Ugland
- Frontline
- Bergesen
- Jebsen
- TECO Marine

The Alustar system scaffolding can be built up of bay lengths up to 4m.
This gives a fast erection, high coverage per scaffold component, and a cost effective scaffold.

In utilizing the possibilities available by combining small and large components, scaffolds can be built around all obstructions.
Both large and small work platforms can be erected with ease.

Alustar is used as both a suspended and cantilevered scaffold in the industry.
The heavy duty spigots allows for large tension forces in the standards. This enables large coverages to be built using a minimum of components.

Alustar can be used as falsework for concrete casting, where access to the underside of the cast can easily be combined with the strength requirement of the casting process.
Comming soon!